2020 Gathering Cancelled

/, News/2020 Gathering Cancelled

2020 Gathering Cancelled

Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic,the committee of the Irish Kennedy Heritage Group has decided to cancel the Annual Clan Gathering scheduled for July 2020. It is a decision taken with great reluctance but having taken into account, the restrictions on global travel and advice regarding mass meetings from health agencies and governments worldwide we felt it was the only responsible course of action. We regret inconvenience caused to members who had already finalised their travel arrangements and can only hope to come back better and stronger in 2021.Our historian and author Brian Patrick Kennedy is currently working on a new Kennedy book- aptly named ” The Resilience of the Kennedys”. We hope that wherever in the world you reside you will have the resilience and good fortune to cope with this threat to our health and well-being. Continue to check this website for further updates.

By | 2020-04-03T21:14:48+01:00 April 3rd, 2020|